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Donations of Surplus Food – The Horstead Centre 

Feeding up to 60 residents a day at this Norfolk Broads residential activity centre can lead to the problem of surplus food but Centre Manager, Josie Barnett ensures that it is not wasted by donating surplus food to Bishopbridge House night shelter in Norwich.

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243The Horstead Centre is a residential activity centre set on the edge of the Norfolk Broads.  As an independent charity, run on behalf of the Diocese of Norwich, it provides residential breaks and activity days to youth groups, schools, community and church groups.

Feeding up to 60 residents a day can lead to the problem of surplus food but Centre Manager, Josie Barnett ensures that this is not wasted.  When she arrived at The Horstead Centre Josie informally introduced the practice of regularly donating any surplus in-date cooked or packaged food left over following residential stays to Bishopbridge House in Norwich

The food donated can be enough to provide up to 30 meals twice a week to those seeking shelter from the streets at this direct access and resettlement hostel run by St Martins Housing Trust.

Josie said: “As a family we have always taken food to the night shelter when we have over catered. When I came to work at The Horstead Centre it seemed a natural thing to take surplus food in the same way.”

Bishopbridge House has 30 bedrooms available to single people who would otherwise be sleeping rough. 10 rooms are used to provide direct access accommodation from the street and these residents have their meals provided.  20 rooms are used to prepare residents to move into independent accommodation, providing a route out of homelessness.


Project: Donating Surplus Food to Homeless Hostel
Who: The Horstead Centre
What: Surplus food – fruit, cake, pizza, dessert, cheese, ham etc
Where: Norwich city centre
When: On an ad hoc weekly basis
How many: approx 20 meals twice a week
Contacts:   Josie Barnett at or 01603 737215. St Martin’s Housing can be contacted at
Facebook: @HorsteadCentre
Twitter: @horsteadcentre


Published: 17/05/2017