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LET is a powerful word

Peter Farley has been pondering over a word which has many meanings and which he considers has much power.

What is the most powerful word in the universe? LET me give you a clue? It was the first recorded Word God ever spoke:
“When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapours.  Then God said, ‘LET there be light.’ And light appeared.” Genesis 1:1-2 (TLB)
Yes, it is the simple three letter word: LET. When God said, “LET there be Light”, light streamed out at 186,282 miles per second, 670,616,629 mph. If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth seven and a half times in a second. For something to travel at that speed there must be incredible power behind it.
When God said, “LET there be Light”, LET was a Word spoken with authority, it was an order, and the obedient response of Light was that phenomenal! So, LET can be an order, an instruction, a declaration.
LET is also a word of potential, it hints at possibility. When God says “LET” it indicates it can happen, it has the potential to happen. In Mark 4 v 35, Jesus said, "LET us go over to the other side." That’s why I say LET hints at possibility, Jesus indicated the potential of actually getting over to the other side, but the disciples had to act on His words in order for them to become reality – to reach their potential.
LET is also a prophetic word. When God said, “LET there be Light,” He was implicitly saying that at that moment it was dark, but things were going to change. It prophetically spoke of a time to come.
LET is also a word of permission, a releasing word, allowing something to happen. It’s a giving way to something, opening the way for it to come to pass. That is why the Scriptures encourage us to: “LET the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. LET the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:15-16
LET can also be used as a catalyst e.g. LET X = 6 or LET us work on the basis. LET facilitates, makes something happen. One definition of a catalyst is a person or thing that precipitates an event, makes it happen.
So often, my life feels like a shapeless, chaotic mass. It is frightening when it feels like there is a raging sea with thirty- or forty-foot-high waves inside me. And such storms can come on so suddenly, so unexpectedly. It is then I need to remember that the Spirit of God is brooding over the dark vapours of my situation. I should then ask Him to speak into whatever is going on in my life, and expect Him to do so. I should listen for Him to say, “LET there be light.” And then expect light to appear and for order to be brought into my chaos.
But it doesn’t end there. I need to act, to move in faith, to know that when God says LET He is opening up the possibility of resolution and I need to hear and respond accordingly. There are times when I just need to prophetically speak LET into my spirit, into my mind, into my emotions. I even need to prophetically speak the healing power of The Holy Spirit into my body.
When I do so, I LET God’s power, His peace, His forgiveness, His provision, His protection, His wisdom, His Grace, His Mercy, His strengthening, His healing, His direction, and yes – His healing, have its way in my life.
Does life feel like a shapeless, chaotic mass for you right now? Do you feel overwhelmed, even terrified? Do you feel guilty, ashamed, confused? Do you feel rejected, taken advantage of, or even abused? Do you feel overlooked, unloved, even unlovely?
If so, why not LET God speak into your life, your inmost being, right now. But first you need to give Him permission, to say: Holy Spirit, I LET you have Your way in me, LET your kingdom come, LET your will be done. When we do so, we ourselves can then speak powerfully and prophetically into our lives and LET things happen.
The image above is courtesy of pixabay.com


peter farley 540CFA Wannabe Word-Weaver, Peter Farley (founder of The Matthew Project) is a father of five and grandfather of thirteen. He lives and worships in Sheringham. He is a town councillor and one of the organisers of  Sheringham Shed - a Men's Shed project shortly to open in the town.



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