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Use your time wisely for the Master

Peter Farley reflects on the importance of each of us making effective use of our remaining time on earth.

They say man invented time and ever since has been enslaved to it! The grains of time allotted to us are the ingredients of the recipe to make something of our lives, on every occasion.
When do we become aware that there is a limited number of grains in our individual ‘pot’? When do we appreciate there were more grains in our pot than we ever thought there would be? When do we realise that the pot is becoming much lighter? What bearing does that have on what we are next going to make of our lives?
I’ve shaken my pot, and this is what I’ve pondered and what I’ve decided:
They’re probably aren’t many grains of time left in my pot! Therefore, there may not be enough time left to accomplish all I wish. So, I need to plan carefully what I do to achieve the optimum output and impact.
I think it highly unlikely that my impact will be world-changing, although it still can be life-changing. It’s never too late, however, to make something of your life!
‘But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence?  We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” ‘
Luke 23 : 40-43

How many lives have those words changed down the years?
As I stop and contemplate what I can make of the rest of my life, how can I decide, when I don’t know how long I’ve got? But there is one thing I know I will have enough time for – that is to make of my life what God wants me to make of it.
Do I want to leave an unfinished symphony or an unfinished work of art? Surely, it would be far more worthwhile to have completed a commission to the satisfaction of your patron?
“Well done good and faithful servant! Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

The image above is courtesy of pixabay.com

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A would-be Word-Weaver, Peter Farley (founder of The Matthew Project) is a father of five and grandfather of thirteen. He lives and worships in Sheringham. He is a Sheringham Town Councillor and one of the founders of Sheringham Shed - a local community meeting place.



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