The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

North Norfolk Foodbank 750AT
North Norfolk Foodbank forced to go shopping 

Shortages of essential items to include in their food parcels have forced North Norfolk Foodbank to make its own regular runs to the supermarket for the first time.

Peter Wenham, the foodbank's chairman, said that fewer donations of groceries were being made, meaning it had to delve into its own cash reserves to pay for food people desperately needed.
Demand for the foodbank itself had risen by 48pc since November last year, and they are seeing more people returning for help than ever before, with many making repeated return visits as they had nowhere else to go.
Mr Wenham thanked people for all the support they had generously given in the past, but said that the donations people were now giving were going down, obviously because of the climate in the country. He said, “On a weekly basis we’re having to go to supermarket to purchase beans, tinned tomatoes and other items that we could have relied on the public for donations of in the past. In the past seven or eight years this is the first time we’ve had to do it on a regular basis.”
The food bank now has its own Citizens Advice officer assigned to it, who is based at the Cromer Methodist Church Hall. Read our previous story about this here.
To find out more about the food bank and where to make a donation, visit northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk

The image above is courtesy of North Norfolk Foodbank.
This story is based on an article in the North Norfolk News.


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 03/05/2023

Tony Rothe
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