The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Our publishing guidelines

The main objective of the Network Norwich & Norfolk website is to make a contribution towards the unity of the entire Christian community across Norwich & Norfolk by helping it to connect, communicate, build relationships and work together.

  • NNNlaptop400We aim to report without fear or favour on matters relating to the broad Norfolk Christian community and anyone who would define themselves as being part of that community.
  • The website strives to maintain an independent, balanced stance, giving everyone the chance to have their say, as long as it is put in a fair and reasonable way.
  • We do not take positions on matters of doctrine, but aim to reflect and report on what the different elements of the Christian community do and believe.
  • By carrying an article on a particular topic or event we are not endorsing it, merely reporting and reflecting what members of the Christian community are doing or saying.
You are welcome to submit a press release or article for consideration to our newsdesk

Network Norwich & Norfolk welcomes comments and contributions to its forums or comments boxes from all users, subject to certain rules.
We carry a regular opinion column slot. If you would like to submit a column for consideration please contact editor Keith Morris.

Making a complaint

Network Norfolk promises to look into complaints about items we have published which are within our control.  We adhere to the Standards Code adopted by IMPRESS and can only deal with complaints which relate to an alleged breach of the standards set out in this Code.

Click here to find out how to make a complaint.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk